Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Titania's Review of What Transpired with Oberon

After Oberon, myself, and the rest of the fairies blessed the married couples, we went back to the forest to sleep. With the help of alcohol's sweet nectar Oberon when into a deep sleep, I had his magic flower brought to me and I rubbed the juices on his eyelids. I then had my fairy attendants fetch me a sow to bet set in place before the sleeping Fairy King. I went behind a bush to hide and watch my plan unfold before me. I picked up a small stone and threw it towards him, it landed on his lap and he awoke to stare directly into the sow's ugly face and instantaneously fell under the flower's magic spell. I had giggled in delight when he rushed forward to the sow and she squealed and fell paralyzed in fright. He began to coddle and hug her as if she were his lover! I was proud of myself for about ten minutes and then it dawned on me that I was stooping just as low as Oberon did all because of revenge for taking Mirza away from me. I was disgusted and ashamed at myslef so I ordered the fairies to sing sweet Oberon back to sleep. I rubbed the herb antitode on his eyelids, then went back to my hiding place, and had Peaseblossom se my letter on Oberon's chest for him to read when he woke. It didn't take as long as i had figured for him to awake. He straightwedned up running a hand through his fair hair when the letter dropped from his chest ontot the ground. He picked up and began reading. It did not take him long at all to glare over at me in my bush and come rishing over to confront me. We had a lengthy argument on why I shouldn't have done what I did and why he shouldn't have done what he did in the first place. But like all ruling couples we absolved our problem and decided to share Mirza and have him come with me and him so that we both got to see him. Before we left Athens we even decided that we should be together more for Mirza's sake (but I am sure Oberon only stated that because he misses me, I miss him too). For the first time in a long while the King and Queen of the Fairies travelled together again.

Titania, Queen of the Fairies
Titania ☼

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