Monday, March 22, 2010

A Movie About Me!... and the others.

Recently I saw this movie about the time I was in Athens for my dear Theseus' wedding. It has barely any truth to sustain any of it. The only references even close to the true happenings is when the actors are in the forest. Also the setting is is Monte Athena, ITALY!! Wrong country completely! But all in all it was a very well done cinema comedy I suppose, and I like who they hired to portray me; she is quite handsome.
In the production it gets confusing when the setting is at first around the 1930s-1940s. You have to pay attention because when they go into the forest it is almost like they went back in time to Athens. That is where my lovely character comes into play. Instead of giving away the whole movie I will just say that it is very well done considering the actors and the acting, and also with the props and scenes they use. A warning though this is not actually how it originally 'went down'. If you wish to knwo the true story you can read the play we had a Mr. William Shakespeare write for my book memoirs.

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