Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Titania's Oberservations

I have decided to make a list of what I think of everybody I have seen this night.

Hermia- Nice mortal child,a little headstrong. Needs to find her priorities in life. Happy for her that she got to marry her true love,Lysander, not that snake Demetrius.

Lysander- Full of himself, appreciates having Hermia love and happily returns it thankfully. Should not run away from problems but seek away to resolve them before fleeing.

Helena- Needs more confidence in herself, she actually is a very stunning young woman. must be insane to love a man like Demetrius, but happy that we could help him make him love her back.

Demetrius- Disgusting, but now not so hateful that he returns his love to sweet Helena. Needs a haircut though...

Theseus- A very handsome man, very majestic and graceful, a good commander and keeper of the peace. Proud of him for winning the love of an Amazonian woman, Hippolyta.

Hippolyta- A bit jealous that Theseus' loves her. Very stunning in beauty and strength. Worthy of having Theseus' love and lucky that she returns it.

Bottom- Disgusting, vile, full of himself mortal. Lucky that he lived to see another sunrise.

That is all who I have met tonight, except I have already met Theseus but he is so charming that I had to mention him again!

Titania, Queen of the Fairies
Titania ☼

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