Monday, March 8, 2010

Letter to Oberon

To my dearest Oberon,

I have learned from your faithful lackey (when he was quite inebriated) that it was YOU who decided to use the magic love potion on me. I remember a most embarrassing dream that I had last night and was befuddled when I woke up smelling of ass.....but now I know why. My fairy attendants were too scared to tell me what happened during those twilight hours but they told me the full tale when Puck uttered the truth to me.
I can not believe you would stoop so low to a petty revenge prank because I would not let Mirza be your slave! On a second note do not punish poor Puck for telling me about where the secret flower thrives; I had to entice him greatly before he reluctantly told me the whereabouts. I am happy to report though that this incident did not faulter my excitement for long after Puck told me, I am very happy for Theseus and Hippolyta. As for you though, when you are reading this you are probably smart enough to already deduce that I AM NOT happy with you.
I hope you had as wonderful a time last night as I had when I was under the same illusion.

Yours eternally Titania
Titania ☼
P.S. You have the most amusing expressions when you are reading this letter, and I am hiding in the bush yonder to you. Hello!

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