Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Meeting δύο -- Act Two

  1. Discussion Director
    1. Who did the text make you think about as you read?
    As I read the text it made me think of the passage and because of the vivid details I conjured up a thorough picture of this scene.
    2. What do you think this passage was about?
    I think this passage was about how even though people may love each other there are still going to be arguments when they are at odds.
    3. Predict what you think will happen next and why.
    Since Titania won't give Oberon the Indian boy he will obviously want revenge. Lysander is now 'in love' with Helena but she thinks he is making a mockery of her and she runs away, so I think Lysander will try to follow her. Demetrius will find Hermia.
    4. What was the most important change in this section? How and why did it happen?
    Lysander is now in love with Helena, this has happened because Puck sprinkled the love potion on the wrong Athenian man and Helena was the one to wake him up because she thought he was hurt.

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